About us
PlanSource, Inc was founded in 1998 to offer quality house plans, duplex plans and small apartment plans at reasonable prices. With our years of construction experience and background, it became clear that most plans from other designers were far too cluttered with unnecessary pages and advertisements, or as we like to call them “plans sold by the pound”. Branching off from our construction company, PlanSource, Inc was founded to offer a better way.
We strive to provide plan packages that are clear and concise to make them very user-friendly. The information needed for construction is shown in a clutter-free manner, without the plan sets being overloaded with unnecessary waste
or ads. This approach has gained a solid clientele with builders across the country who prefer our straightforward plan sets over the competition.
And with everything done in-house, we can help modify plans to
suit your specific needs.
Using our construction background
we are able to:
- Produce designs that help you create more equity/profit in your project(s) by reducing construction costs.
- Incorporate the most commonly requested amenities into solid designs that fit the mainstream of home construction today.
- Offer real-world advice on plan changes you may be interested in making.
- Provide a variety of designs to meet the needs of the average homeowner or builder
- and much more!
Whether you are looking to build your new home or you are interested in an investment project, we look forward to helping you reach your goals in the most cost-effective way possible.
Thank you for visiting our site and please don’t hesitate to
contact us if we can be of any assistance.
PlanSource, Inc
PO Box
D'Iberville, MS 39540 -